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Ashley Condon

Regional Vice President


Téléphone: 205-422-2900

1757 Murray Hill Road

Birmingham, AL 35216


Ashley left the hotel industry in 2000 to join HelmsBriscoe, aware of the HelmsBriscoe reputation and the excellent service they provide for their clientele. Leaving the hotel industry for third-party site selection was a leap of faith for Ashley, but since doing so, she has never once questioned the model or the freedom and resources it offers to meeting planners. Ashley believes in what she does and is committed to meeting the needs of her clients. After 30 years of experience in the industry, she is still learning every day. She believes industry knowledge is critical to her success, and she enjoys sharing her experiences—both good and bad—with others. She is open, honest, and seeks to help her clients make the wisest decisions for their companies/organizations. Ashley does not expect new business without first earning it, and client relationships are extremely important to her. Ashley believes in surrounding yourself with people who make you a better person, and her mission with HelmsBriscoe is to always add value to her end of the relationship by setting a good example, offering sound advice, educating when needed, and representing the industry with the respect that it deserves.

Since 2000, Ashley has been a 15-time recipient of the HB President’s Club award and has been recognized as an HB ResourceOne top producer three times. She currently serves as a Regional Vice President for the HelmsBriscoe team in Alabama and is also a member of the Georgia Chapter of Meeting Professionals International and the Society of Government Meeting Professionals. She currently enjoys serving her community as the Secretary of Contenu, a wellness and healing organization, and as President of the local Birmingham Alumnae Chapter of Chi Omega Fraternity.

Demande d’assistance à l’organisation d’une réunion de la part de Ashley

Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour sélectionner le lieu de votre prochain événement ou réunion, veuillez me contacter en remplissant le formulaire ci-dessous. J'ai hâte d'entamer notre collaboration !

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