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CJ Krueger

Manager, Global Accounts


Téléphone: 601-757-6379

11301 Pinckney Marsh Lane

Beaufort, SC 29906


CJ Krueger joined HelmsBriscoe as Manager, Global Accounts in 2019. Based out of Pacifica, California, she uses her extensive sales skills, hospitality expertise, and industry experience to blow away the expectations of her clients. She is committed to serving others with great passion and enthusiasm.

CJ entered the hospitality industry straight out of the Marines in 2003. She started her career in a front desk role and worked her way up to Director of Sales. For the past few years, she has been task forcing around the country in different sales manager roles at different brands. This experience gives her the insight to align her clients’ needs to the wants of different marketplaces. CJ is a Commissioner for the USS Kidd in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and a certified Veteran, Woman and Minority (American Indian) owned business. CJ and her boyfriend love to travel, imbibe, and see the world.

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