Director, Global Accounts
Téléphone: 206-370-2400
1225 183rd St SE, Apt. B-103
Bothell, WA 98012
Deborah LaHaela joined HelmsBriscoe 2012. Based in Seattle, Washington, Deborah brings over two decades of invaluable experience and knowledge to her clients. Prior to HelmsBriscoe, Deborah worked as a Group Sales Manager for two prestigious hotel chains, Starwood Hotels and Resorts and Marriott International. She then branched out and operated her own small business for several years.
Deborah handles a diverse mix of corporate and association clients, in addition to being an integral member of a Fortune 50 client account where she has implemented strategic processes to streamline efficiency and productivity. She advocates strongly on behalf of her clients to find creative solutions in contract negotiations that reduce cost and minimize risk, while maintaining positive relationships with hotel partners and destinations. Her passion to deliver second-to-none, attentive client service and unparalleled results, while consistently exceeding her clients’ expectations, is proven in the longevity of her client base. A seasoned professional, Deborah is the perfect choice to support your next event.