Profile Image Un licencié indépendant de HelmsBriscoe

Judith Potter

Senior Director, Global Accounts


Téléphone: 360-303-8270

1692 NE Orenco Station Parkway

Hillsboro, OR 97124


Judith joined HelmsBriscoe in 1998 and has been in the hospitality industry for more than 15 years. She brings her vast experience in a variety of roles to the table when servicing her Clients. Judith has held positions in National Sales, Hotel Management and Conference Service Management at four and five star properties. She has extensive market experience with strong knowledge of the hotel business and contracting process.

Judith has a degree from the University of Minnesota in International Relations and Communications. She has been recognized numerous times as a HelmsBriscoe Top Producer, earning honors including the prestigious Chairman’s, Master’s and President’s Club awards.

Demande d’assistance à l’organisation d’une réunion de la part de Judith

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