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Kristie Hall

Director, Global Accounts


Téléphone: +974 3377 7359

Doha, PH1E


Kristie Hall joined HelmsBriscoe in 2009. Currently based in Doha, Qatar, she supports clients with their global event searches. She received the HelmsBriscoe President’s Club award in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022, and has been recognized with various industry awards. She has a global viewpoint, as she has visited and worked in more than 40 countries and lived in various cities in the USA, as well as Brussels, London, Istanbul, Amsterdam, and Cameroon. This broad experience provides a unique framework for understanding her clients’ distinct needs and is integral to her successful negotiations with suppliers.

Kristie moved to Europe in 2000 as a hotel negotiator for a tour operator and later launched her own events company, working with several Dutch corporations and non-profits. After many years of working on successful events, she was hired by Nike EMEA to serve as Operations Manager for their Event Management and Travel Services team. While there, she was charged with developing a meetings management policy and driving event cost savings. During her time with Nike EMEA, Kristie worked with HelmsBriscoe Associates, whose dedication and integrity convinced her of the value of using HelmsBriscoe’s convenient support. Soon thereafter, she decided to expand her own experience with the unrivalled tools and network offered to HelmsBriscoe team members by joining the HB team herself. Kristie’s unique understanding of her clients’ goals and objectives makes the labor-intensive task of site selection seem effortless, freeing up their time for other important meeting priorities. Moreover, her honest and dedicated approach, attention to detail, and event planner experience make her a valued asset. She is eager to support her corporate and association clients in finding the perfect home for their next event, anywhere in the world!

Demande d’assistance à l’organisation d’une réunion de la part de Kristie

Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour sélectionner le lieu de votre prochain événement ou réunion, veuillez me contacter en remplissant le formulaire ci-dessous. J'ai hâte d'entamer notre collaboration !

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