Profile Image Un licencié indépendant de HelmsBriscoe

Melissa Schoen

Manager, Global Accounts


Téléphone: 504-450-8069

New Orleans, LA 70001


Melissa Schoen joined HelmsBriscoe as Manager, Global Accounts in 2018. Based out of New Orleans, Louisiana, Melissa has been an invested member of the events and hospitality industry since 2006, and she loves developing long-lasting relationships with her clients.

Melissa worked in operations and logistics for the Tales of the Cocktail event for 10 years. In her free time, she and her husband enjoy volunteering with a southern German Shepherd rescue group called Sauver des Chiens. Melissa looks forward to to helping you find the right hotel for your next meeting or event!

Demande d’assistance à l’organisation d’une réunion de la part de Melissa

Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour sélectionner le lieu de votre prochain événement ou réunion, veuillez me contacter en remplissant le formulaire ci-dessous. J'ai hâte d'entamer notre collaboration !

Informations relatives au demandeur

Informations relatives à l'entreprise et à l'événement