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Mike Uhl

Regional Vice President


Téléphone: 702-523-2422

11441 Allerton Park Drive Suite 403

Las Vegas, NV 89135


Michael Uhl, a 25 year veteran of the hospitality industry, joined HelmsBriscoe in 2005 and was named Regional Vice President for Las Vegas, opening HelmsBriscoe’s first Las Vegas office. In 2013 alone the Nevada team sourced more than 500 meetings on behalf of their clients. In addition to leading and supporting the Nevada team Michael specializes in Corporate and Association meetings. Michael delivers exceptional value and support to his client base pulling from his vast industry experience and has been a consistent top producer in the company since joining in 2005.

Michael began his career at the New York Hilton in Convention Service and after moving to Convention Sales was promoted to Director of Sales. In 1992 Michael was named Director of Sales at the Walt Disney World Dolphin. He was instrumental in merging the sales efforts of the Sheraton managed Walt Disney World Dolphin and Westin managed Walt Disney World Swan, forming one joint marketing association responsible for selling both properties. Michael moved to Las Vegas in 1998 to open the Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino and merge the sales efforts of Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino and Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino. He spent seven years with Caesars Entertainment and before joining HelmsBriscoe was most recently the Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Bally’s, Paris, Flamingo, and the Las Vegas Hilton with a Sales Team of more than 50 Sales Executives.

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