Profile Image Un licencié indépendant de HelmsBriscoe

Vincent Cazalbou

Director, Global Accounts


Téléphone: + 33 6 72 79 36 10

10 rue des Carrières

Rueil-Malmaison, 92500


I started my hospitality studies in France (Tecomah) and in Ireland (D.S.E). I then moved to Switzerland where I completed an Associate Degree in Hotel Management at the Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne. My career in the hospitality industry, spanning 10 years, started in the conference and banqueting department of large groups such as Clarion, Relais et Chateaux and Sodexho Prestige. I was later responsible for the room bookings for some of the brands and geographical markets for the SIHH which is the largest jewelers and watchmakers show in Switzerland. My last position, before working with HelmsBriscoe, was Conference Services Manager at the Hotel Royal Manotel, Geneva, where I was in charge of contracting and organizing various types of events.

I joined HelmsBriscoe, in March 2010 and I am based in Paris. This opportunity allowed me to combine my hospitality and my event organizational knowhow with the network and tools provided by HB, in order to provide you with the best service. Thanks to my experience and professionalism, I can offer fast and customized solutions to meet and exceed your needs. Having worked several years on the Hotel side of the meeting planning process, my strength resides in knowing how they proceed from a sale and operational standpoint; an asset which will make a difference in guaranteeing the success of your event.

Demande d’assistance à l’organisation d’une réunion de la part de Vincent

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