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Vicky Dyer

Manager, Global Accounts


Téléphone: 865-363-8051

2609 Oleander Way, #123

Knoxville, TN 37931


Vicky Dyer joined HelmsBriscoe in 2007. As a meeting planner herself, she was so impressed with HelmsBriscoe that she decided to become a part of the organization. Having been a client as well as an Associate, Vicky understands from a client’s perspective what it takes to host a successful event, including budget constraints. Committed to exceptional service, she is able to apply her unique insight toward offering the best solutions to her clients.

Vicky has 25 years of experience in event and workshop planning. Early in her career, a major portion of her event planning involved weddings and receptions. Later, she coordinated workshops and conferences for a non-profit organization, which transitioned her into the business and industry environment. Her expertise allowed her to organize workshops that brought together a cross-section of government, industry, and academia participants all within a government-allotted budget. She is also a member of CMCA, as well as a member and Board of Directors Secretary for the East Tennessee Meeting Professionals (ETMP). While she assists with many industries, Vicky has a special focus on associations. She knows that with the HelmsBriscoe reputation, she can help you accomplish your meeting objectives.

Demande d’assistance à l’organisation d’une réunion de la part de Vicky

Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour sélectionner le lieu de votre prochain événement ou réunion, veuillez me contacter en remplissant le formulaire ci-dessous. J'ai hâte d'entamer notre collaboration !

Informations relatives au demandeur

Informations relatives à l'entreprise et à l'événement